
James Harold Loach

1993 - 2012

James died suddenly on 23rd September 2012. Aged 19 years. Much loved son of Yvette and Harry, and brother of Rebecca, Claire and Amy.

James Harold Loach

1993 - 2012

To add your note 

Darling nephew, you are with us every day, particularly during my 50th celebration and your cousin's skydive. Forever missed but forever loved. Aunty Nessy

Aunty Nessy
on 23 Oct 2016

Our darling James, 3 years ago today, the light went from our lives. We love you so very much and miss you more than words can say xxxxxx

Yvette Loach
on 23 Oct 2015

Darling James. My heart is full of pride remembering how so many people came together 3 years ago just for you. We've missed you every day since. You will never be forgotten, and are always loved.

Aunty Nessy
on 23 Oct 2015

Those that think there is a time limit to grief has never lost a piece of their heart. I love and miss you more than words can say, my precious, beautiful boy X

Yvette Loach
on 16 Oct 2015

Missing you darling but feel you are with us every day. Love Aunty Nessy. X

Vanessa Bartlett
on 16 Aug 2015

James is not lost, your dearest love, nor has he travelled far, just stepped inside heaven's loveliest room and left the door ajar.
God bless you all

Louise Woodward
on 22 Oct 2012

An absolute great person to spend time with in the younger Primary School days. With the football matches we played. As well as seeing you around college. You will be sorely missed by so many, keep smiling down at us all.

Joe Trutwein
on 16 Oct 2012

My darling cousin, words can't describe how much you will be missed. Our family will never be the same but you will be in our hearts forever. Rest in peace up there James, sending all my love xxx

Vicky Barnard
on 16 Oct 2012

Dearest James,
As devastated as I am to see you leave us, I know you are now in a better place. Take care angel, I will see you again one day. Love you xx

Sophia Grace
on 15 Oct 2012

James, I wish there were words to tell you how honoured and truly blessed I feel to have been a part of your life. I'll always consider you one of my closest friends and you'll never leave my memory. Rest peacefully xx

Ryan Mantle
on 15 Oct 2012

James I only knew you for ten months but that was long enough to see what a lovely person you was. I'm gonna miss ya. Rip babe xxx

Chelsea Howard
on 15 Oct 2012

Dearest James u was the brightest Candle blown out in the wind defo gone to soon my love, but now you are brightest STAR LUV 4EVER PAULA XXXX

Dennis Hawkes
on 13 Oct 2012

Darling James. We both miss you so much. Our family chain is broken and can never be mended until we all meet again. You will always be with us in our hearts. Aunty Vanessa & Uncle Shane xxxxxxxx

Vanessa Bartlett
on 13 Oct 2012

Oh James, we all miss you so much. You will always be my precious nephew. God bless.

Georgina Lansbury
on 13 Oct 2012
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James Harold Loach

1993 - 2012

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James Harold Loach

1993 - 2012